Monday, 14 April 2014

How many parents consider this important?

Life hacking is a 'newish' concept that I think is critically important to us all.  We are all so busy talking about getting our children ready for a future but when did we all stop to think about this:

If my teenager could speak like this and discuss these sorts of concepts I would know that as a parent I had supported my child to be ready for their own future - not the one I kept dreaming for them!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


As a principal I listen to people talking about time all of the time!  There is never enough time to do anything...  This is the most common statement.
I hear it from everyone, including myself.  It does make me reflect occasionally on what we can actually do about it.  I also wonder how children fare.  As adults I think we often tend to forget that children can feel stress as well, by doing so much with our children are we increasing their opportunities at the risk of their health and overall well-being?
I struck this information sheet the other day while trawling through Upworthy and it just made me stop and wonder why we do it to ourselves...  A little food for thought!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

New beginnings

This year I decided to learn more about photography, digital scrapbooking and try to live a better, healthier life!  I will be using my blog to post updates and snippets along the way.
Cant wait to upload my first Digital Scrapbook Kit - Learning to use Photoshop has been a lot of fun!


I found this website called Upworthy by looking through recommendations of Facebook.  Maybe all of my humanitarian likes led me to this, maybe it was a friend of mine who already liked it...  I don't really care how because I found it!  I love Upworthy.  It really is worthy use of the internet.
I found this little nugget today and just had to share it with everyone.  This is amazing.

Now enjoy

Friday, 3 January 2014

All parents should read this

I found this little snippet on facebook.  It was posted by a friend of mine who also teaches.
I think it is an interesting read that might help parents to understand there are reasons children do well - and they aren't what you would expect!

Do have a read.